Edward Erhahon, better known as Eddy Young, a Nigerian filmmaker, has demonstrated the other dimension in which one can convey his love to his spouse in a breathtaking marriage proposal routine that has taken center stage on the internet.
Edward took his woman on a helicopter flight, most likely to give him a peek of what she will get when she becomes his wife.
He released images from the proposal, which took place in another country, with the chopper hovering nearby.
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They’ve known one other for eight years, according to the producer, and he’s thrilled to be marrying his favorite person.
”I took the love of my life 1,500ft to get the much Needed YES !! Happy to say I will be married to my favorite person.
I have known you for 8 years and we have done this love thing for 7 years. I can’t wait to tour the world with you and make beautiful memories while we live this life. ❤️ you give me butterflies, I love you babe 😘”
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See the photos below: